Diagnosis Of Mesothelioma
Diagnosis Of Mesothelioma
The diagnosis of mesothelioma is not always an easy task for doctors and researchers. This is due to the numerous symptoms of mesothelioma which are evidences of the presence of other diseases and the latency between the period of contraption and showing of symptoms. Hence it is always important to check the medical file of a patient when diagnosing.
In most cases mesothelioma is usually in its matured stage which makes it a little bit hard for much to be known. A diagnosis of mesothelioma is obtained firstly, through the assessment of the patient's medical file, a CT scan (computerized technology) or CAT (computerized axial tomography), MRI (magnetic resonance imaging) and a biopsy. The CT helps to take internal pictures of the internal organs of the body while the MRI allows getting perfect detailed images of the inner body are through a powerful magnet linked to computer. The scans are followed by a biopsy which is used to confirm the presence of mesothelioma.
To perform biopsy, a close examination is made on the fluids surrounding the lungs, when present, by an oncologist. This might not be sufficient, so, a small cut might be made to remove a tissue from the patient with a hollow needle which is inserted into the patient's chest cavity to run biopsy on. This process is known as thorascopy. This is altogether known as open pleural biopsy. The process is known as peritoneoscopy if the tissues are taken from the abdominal cavity. The disease is declared localized if the cancer is found on the surface of the membrane, but it will be advanced if it has spread to other parts of the body.
The early detection of mesothelioma depends on the patients' awareness of its presence. Diagnosis of mesothelioma is always poor due to the fact that it is rare, the non specific nature of its symptoms, and the time lag between asbestos exposure and a patient's symptomatic response, could take 50 years. Despite all this frictions, there are many available procedures for the diagnoses of mesothelioma.
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